
Georgia Wildlife Park – Drive-Through Safari Experience

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Georgia Safari Park: Complete Drive-Through Adventure Guide

Photo By Alice Daniels

___In Pine Mountain, Georgia sits an amazing Drive Thru Safari waiting to be added to your Road Trip Bucket List! Enjoy some wonderful family fun at the Wild Animal Safari.

Photo By Alice Daniels

Imagine a zebras wide open mouth close up and personal invading your car window! The Safari is 3.5 miles long and includes 75 types of animals including: bison and giraffes.

Photo by Alice Daniels

There is also a walk through area that hosts exotic birds, Bengal tigers, monkeys, and more. This will be a family favorite to revisit for years to come!

Photo By Alice Daniels

___Onsite is a café as well as rest rooms and a gift shop for souvenirs! Check out these cool Safari Adventure Kits for kids, to make the experience that much more memorable. Bring the camera, or better yet the gopro, and enjoy making memories at Wild Animal Safari in Pine Mountain, Georgia!

Photo By Alice Daniels

In the Area

Overnight in the Area

  • stay in a yurt!

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