
St. Ignace Mystery House: UP Michigan Adventure

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UP Michigan Mystery: Gravity Defying Experience

St. Ignace, Michigan is home to the Mystery Spot – where gravity defies reason. Seems impossible to stand up straight here – just some goofy fun on your family Road Trip.

Take the tour to enjoy all the cool anomalies. How does the ball just sit at the top of the ramp?

Photo by Alice Daniels

When your done with your tour enjoy miniature golf, a zip line and a maze in the woods! This is a VERY affordable place to stop and have some good family fun.

Photo credit Alice Daniels

Nearby check out the Deer Ranch, Castle Rock, and Father Marquette National Memorial! Spend a weekend in St. Ignace and you won’t run out of things to do! Make St. Ignace the destination on your Road Trip through Michigan’s Upper Peninsula; and stop at the Mystery Spot for a unique experience!

Photo credit Alice Daniels