
Denver Cannabis Church: Art & History Guide

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Denver’s Cannabis Art: Historic Church Guide

By Jeffrey Beall – Own work, CC BY 4.0,

The International Church of Cannabis, located in Denver, Colorado, offers a uniquely distinctive and unconventional experience, making it a stop worth considering for those seeking an unconventional blend of spirituality and artistic expression. Situated in the vibrant neighborhood of West Washington Park, the church is housed in a historic building adorned with vibrant and colorful murals. What makes a visit to the International Church of Cannabis truly exceptional is its mission to celebrate the spiritual benefits of cannabis, emphasizing a belief system centered around love, self-discovery, and the creative arts. The town of Denver, with its progressive and open-minded atmosphere, provides an ideal backdrop for this unique institution. Visitors can explore the church’s interior, known as the “Elevationists’ Chapel,” featuring immersive and visually stunning artwork. The unique combination of alternative spirituality, artistic expression, and the unconventional approach to cannabis culture makes the International Church of Cannabis a one-of-a-kind stop, offering an intriguing perspective on the intersection of spirituality and contemporary lifestyles.
