
Yellowstone National Park

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Yellowstone National Park is situated in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, spanning 3,472 square miles. The park features five entrances: the North, Northeast, South, East, and West Entrances. The North Entrance, positioned at Gardiner, Montana, remains open year-round. Entrance to the park requires a fee, although the American the Beautiful pass is accepted and recommended, especially if you plan to visit multiple national parks within the year.

Yellowstone National Park

To drive the whole loop in yellowstone will take around 5 hours. If you are lucky you can see the buffalo cross the road. There are you can take and

Grand Prismatic Spring might be one of the coolest things in the park.

The amazing Old Faithful erupts close to every hour, About 21-23 times a day.

Yellowstone National Park

You will definitely not want to miss checking out the Geyser Basin.

Yellowstone National Park
Photo By NPS / Jacob W. Frank

Come check out the untouched nature and all it has to offer.

Yellowstone National Park

The natural beauty just does not stop! The view of Yellowstone Lake over these wild flowers is amazing.

Yellowstone National Park

Then there is the amazing Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.

Yellowstone National Park
Visitors in Gardner River at Boiling River;.Jim Peaco;.July 30, 2014;.Catalog #19959d;.Original #IMG_6088

You can not always swim in Boiling river but if you get the chance you should take it.

List of the best things to see in Yellowstone National Park

  • Old Faithful
  • Geyser Basin
  • Grand Prismatic Spring
  • Lewis Falls
  • West Thumb Basin
  • Yellowstone Lake
  • Storm Point hike
  • Mud Volcano
  • Hayden Valley
  • Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
  • Norris Geyser Basin
  • Firehole River
  • Mammoth Hot Springs
  • Boiling river
  • Undine Falls
  • Wraith Falls
  • Petrified Tree
  • Lamar Valley
  • Tower Fall
  • Dunraven Pass
  • Lonestar Geyser
  • Shoshone Geyser Basin
  • Bunsen Peak
  • Osprey Falls
  • Seven-Mile Hole Trail
  • Dunanda Falls
  • Cache Creek
  • Mystic Falls Trail

Hiking in Yellowstone Gear

Certain items should always find a place in your bag. Many of these essentials are affordable, compact, and lightweight, yet incredibly useful in emergencies. Some of these items can even transform an emergency into an adventure. It’s wise to take these precautions and equip yourself accordingly.


Inside the Park

