
Tupelo Music History: Famous Birthplace Experience

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Tupelo’s Musical Legacy: Historic Birthplace Guide

Whether you are in the area or a die hard Elvis fan you have to check out Elvis Presley’s Birthplace in Tupelo, Mississippi! This fun tribute to the King hosts his childhood home, church, and a museum.

Elvis’s family moved around Mississippi until he was 13. A life size statue of 13-year old elvis sits in the Elvis Presley Birthplace Park.

Pray in the actual building where the Presley family attended church services. The actual building was moved to the Elvis Presley Birthplace.

Take a stroll down the “Walk of Life” to learn Elvis’s life journey. Starting at his childhood home and leading you around a completed circle reading the Kings life markers along the way.

Elvis always dreamed of having a “place of meditation” and before his death made those wishes known. The Birthplace of Elvis Presley built a Chapel in the Kings honor. Take a tour of the stained glass windows and pews, this beautiful chapel must be what Elvis envisioned.

Take the time to read some Elvis childhood stories on the Story Wall. Read about how his pastor taught him to play guitar and more. Reflect next to the Fountain of Life, made up of 13 upper water spouts representing the 13 years he spent in Mississippi.

The Elvis Presley Museum in a highlight at the Birthplace. Check out the state of the art museum, with artifacts, galleries, and more. Stop by the Gift Shop for your perfect Elvis memorabilia.

Finish up your visit at the Reflection. A serene, relaxing place Elvis himself enjoyed and wrote music at. Plan your visit the the Elvis Presley Birthplace, Chapal, and Museum in the Kings hometown of Tupelo, Mississippi. Happy Travels 🙂
