
Ohio Safari Park Experience: Complete Wildlife Guide

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Port Clinton Wildlife Safari: Drive-Through Adventure

Get a close up experience with buffalo and feed a giraffe (or 2) in Port Clinton, Ohio! African Safari Wildlife Park is a completely amazing drive-thru safari that houses not only buffalo and giraffe – but gemsbok (IKR !) camel, bison, zebra and too many to add! This family friendly adventure has a walk thru area where wallaby, albino alligator, bongo (WHAT ?) and more can be viewed. Get the kids these cool Safari Sets, so they can be real explorers!

Photo By Alice Daniels
Photo By Alice Daniels
Photo By Alice Daniels

African Safari Wildlife Park is a RAIN or SHINE park which includes a café (veggie burgers included) and gem mining for the littles! Please read the website for best viewing opportunities as some animals are sensitive to inclement weather.

Photo By Alice Daniels
Photo By Alice Daniels
Photo By Alice Daniels

The Park is 27 minutes from Cedar Point and 53 minutes to Kelleys Island State Park for camping and hiking. African Safari Wildlife Park is an excellent destination to add to your Road Trip Bucket List!

Photo By Alice Daniels
Photo by Alice Daniels