
Muskallonge Lake State Park

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__Newberry, Michigan is an outdoor enthusiast dream, and this Park will leave you wanting to hurry back. With so much to do from camping, fishing, kayaking and hiking – who would want to leave? There are over 65 lakes and 5 rivers within 20 miles, the Father Marquette National Memorial and Tahquamenon Falls are very close by.

__Winter offers cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and snowshoeing. The Park boasts a history of being a prior lumbering town, Indian encampment and Coast Guard Life Saving Station.

__Muskallonge Lake State Park is a family friendly area to enjoy for days! Pack a cooler, plan some good tunes to listen to, maybe do some Car Karaoke, and head out for a Road Trip to Michigan’s fabulous Upper Peninsula!
