
Morristown National Historical Park

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Photo By National Park Service

Situated in the town of Morristown, New Jersey, Morristown National Historical Park offers a uniquely significant and historically rich destination, making it a stop that is both educational and worth exploring for those interested in the American Revolutionary War.

During two critical winters of the Revolutionary War, 1777 and 1779?80, the countryside in and around Morristown, New Jersey, sheltered the main encampments of the American Continental Army and served as the headquarters of its commander-in-chief, General George Washington. The National Park Service at Morristown National Historical Park preserves sites in the Morristown area occupied by the Continental Army and interprets the history and subsequent commemoration of these encampments and the extraordinary fortitude of the officers and enlisted men under Washington?s leadership.

Morristown, with its colonial-era charm, serves as a fitting backdrop to the park’s historical sites. What makes a visit to Morristown National Historical Park truly exceptional is its role as the winter encampment site for George Washington and the Continental Army during the harsh winter of 1779-1780.

The park preserves key sites, including Jockey Hollow and the Ford Mansion, providing visitors with a firsthand look at the challenging conditions faced by the soldiers.

Visitors can explore the reconstructed soldier huts, tour the Ford Mansion where Washington’s headquarters were located, and gain insights into the strategic importance of Morristown during the Revolutionary War.

Photo By Jared Kofsky – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The town of Morristown complements the experience with its colonial architecture and welcoming atmosphere. The unique combination of historical authenticity, immersive exhibits, and the chance to step into the footsteps of Revolutionary War soldiers makes Morristown National Historical Park a compelling and enlightening stop, offering a deeper understanding of America’s fight for independence.
