
Virginia Beach Aviation Museum: Historic Warbird Collection

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Virginia Beach’s Historic Aircraft: Aviation Museum Guide

The Military Aviation Museum is situated in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and it is home to one of the world’s largest collections of flying vintage military aircraft. This museum offers a highly educational experience, allowing you to explore aircraft from World War I and World War II. The staff and volunteers are incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about sharing their expertise on these vintage aircraft.

Open Cockpit Flight

Absolutely, you have the opportunity to soar through the skies in an open cockpit WWll warbird, all while enjoying breathtaking views of Virginia Beach. It’s an exhilarating and unforgettable experience that you won’t want to pass up.

Jerrassic Park - Metal Dinosaur Park
Photo credit Bryce Airhart

Jerrassic Park – Metal Dinosaur Park

Don’t forget the Metal dinosaur park when pulling in. This is a great stop to take some selfies with the kids. The dinosaurs are at the entrance of the museum.

In The Area
