
Mackinaw City Curiosity Museum: Unique Collection Guide

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Mackinaw’s Unique Collection: Oddities Museum Guide

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

The Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum is located in Mackinaw City, Michigan.

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

The museum itself is small but which means the fee to enter is also very small.

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

It does not mean that what is inside is not worth it. The art behind all these is amazing.

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

They have little shops set up and everything is, you guessed it miniature. They have a bar, arcade, record store, thrift shop, and even a smoke shop.

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

Don’t forget to see Snoop Dog!

Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum
Photo credit Alice Daniels

The Wacky Taxidermy and Miniatures Museum is a great addition to your Mackinaw City Road Trip! A little fun for a little fee, stop in and have a look see. Happy Travels 🙂
