
Lovers Leap Bridge

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Lovers Leap Bridge
Photo credit By Jllm06 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Lovers Leap Bridge, situated in New Milford, Connecticut, stands as a picturesque and historically significant landmark.

Lovers Leap Bridge
Photo credit By RHSHAW57 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

This charming bridge spans the Housatonic River and holds a captivating legend within its history. Legend has it that a Native American princess named Lillinonah and her lover, an Englishman, leaped to their demise from this cliff overlooking the river, choosing death over separation.

Lovers Leap Bridge

Today, the bridge offers breathtaking views of the Housatonic River Valley and the lush surrounding landscapes, providing a serene spot for sightseeing and photography enthusiasts. Its connection to folklore and scenic beauty makes it a unique stop, inviting visitors to appreciate the natural splendor and immerse themselves in the romanticized tale of Lovers Leap while enjoying the tranquility of this picturesque location.
