
DeKalb Historic Home Tour: Victorian Mansion Experience

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DeKalb’s Victorian Mansion: Historic House Guide

Ellwood House Museum
Photo Credit Alice Daniels

The Ellwood House Museum is located in DeKalb, Illinois.

Ellwood House Museum
Photo Credit Alice Daniels

In a historic neighborhood you will enjoy the surrounding area as much as the mansion!

Ellwood House Museum
Photo Credit Alice Daniels

You will see a little house that sits outside the museum. The house was built in 1891 and was used as a parade float and then a playhouse. So much history in this little house.

Ellwood House Museum
Photo Credit Alice Daniels

Check out the Free music at the mansion on Wednesdays. Bring your chair and come enjoy.

Ellwood House Museum
Photo Credit Alice Daniels

Take a tour of one of the multiple buildings or tour them all. The tours are a small fee. You can even tie the knot and rent the mansion to get married. Next time you’re near DeKalb stop and see the Ellwood House Museum! Happy Travels 🙂
