
Cumberland Island National Seashore

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Cumberland Island National Seashore
Photo By Linda – originally posted to Flickr as Horse herd at the beach, CC BY 2.0,

Situated off the coast of Georgia, Cumberland Island National Seashore offers a uniquely enchanting and pristine destination, making it well worth a stop for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a serene escape.

Cumberland Island National Seashore
Photo By Legohead – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The town of St. Marys, Georgia, serves as a gateway to this barrier island paradise, enhancing the allure of the journey.

Photo By National Park Service

What makes a visit to Cumberland Island truly exceptional is its untouched natural beauty, featuring expansive maritime forests, pristine beaches, and historic ruins.

Cumberland Island National Seashore

The seashore is home to a variety of wildlife, including wild horses that roam freely. Visitors can explore the island’s trails, visit the Dungeness Ruins, and bask in the tranquility of its unspoiled landscapes. The unique combination of diverse ecosystems, rich history, and the opportunity to witness the unspoiled beauty of the Georgia coast makes Cumberland Island National Seashore a captivating and rejuvenating stop, providing a rare glimpse into the coastal wilderness of the Southeastern United States.
