
Cape Krusenstern National Monument

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Photo By NPS/Doug Demarest

Located on the northwest coast of Alaska, Cape Krusenstern National Monument offers a uniquely remote and culturally rich destination, making it a stop well worth considering for those seeking a blend of Arctic landscapes and ancient indigenous history. While there isn’t a specific town directly associated with the monument, the nearby village of Kotzebue, Alaska, serves as a common access point to the area. What makes a visit to Cape Krusenstern truly exceptional is its preservation of a coastal plain containing over 114 prehistoric Inupiaq archaeological sites spanning thousands of years.

Photo By Education Specialist – Flickr: Anigaaq Ranger Station, CC BY 2.0,

The monument showcases ancient hunting camps, ceremonial sites, and remnants of the coastal adaptation of the Inupiaq people. Visitors can explore the cultural history of the Inupiaq through interpretive programs, view expansive coastal lagoons, and witness the seasonal migrations of wildlife.

Person cleaning out an animal skin in Cape Krusenstern National Monument in Sheshalik, Alaska.

The unique combination of archaeological significance, Arctic landscapes, and the chance to connect with the rich cultural heritage of the Inupiaq people makes Cape Krusenstern National Monument a captivating and enlightening stop, offering a glimpse into the enduring relationship between the indigenous communities and the Arctic environment.
